Parish Life
Vida parroquial
Prayer Chain

St. Jerome's Prayer Chain is an email/phone based information system which functions as a means to relay prayer requests from parishioners and non-parishioners to fellow church and community members locally and beyond our church doors. Participants provide prayer support for all prayer requests. These requests are sent out once daily after 7:00 PM. Urgent requests will be sent as needed.
Currently their are a combined number of approximately 120-130 email and phone contacts. You may, at any time, per your request, have your name removed from the Prayer Chain list. All are welcome to participate in this prayer ministry. You do not need be a member of St. Jerome's to be on the prayer chain and/or make a prayer request.
St. Jerome's Prayer Chain Team
Terri Lloyd: Coordinator
Regina Rock Mary Vogel: coordinator substitutes
or call Terri at 208-539-3173 to submit a prayer request or be added to the chain.
St Jerome’s CCW is a part of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) and part of the Idaho Catholic Council of Women. The NCCW acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower, and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the world. Through these groups, we support projects locally and throughout the world. Some projects which are supported include prevention of domestic violence, prevention of human trafficking, respect for life, and respite care for the sick.
The women of Saint Jerome's have been helping to build a community in our Parish since 1918. In the early days, they built fires before Mass was celebrated. At times they paid the priest and helped support him.
The CCW’s goal is to bring friendship and unity to the parish. CCW provides hospitality including the coffee hour after the Sunday English masses, Lenten Lunches funeral dinners, Father Day treats, Easter treats, summer picnic, Harvest Festival, Christmas Bazaar, Lasagna Dinner for Ladies/Toy Drive and almost anything we are asked to do by the Priest.
CCW has multiple fundraising events. These funds provide Idaho Catholic Youth Conference (ICYC) bibles, scholarships for members attending ICYC State Convention, Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA), juices for coffee hour, treats for blood drives, Christmas and Easter decorations, supplies for the kitchen, tablecloths, building fund contributions, funeral dinners, and gifts for the Priest.
All the ladies of the church are members and welcome. Meetings are held at the church on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. There are no meetings in December, June, July, or August. Dues are $20 and are due in December.

Kairos Kai Metanoia

Parish Choir
A number of talented musicians enhance our celebrations by sharing their musical gifts with the community.​
Varios músicos talentosos realzan nuestras celebraciones al compartir sus dones musicales con la comunidad.

Come and See
Come and See is a “Spiritual experience” lived as a 4-day weekend retreat. The goal of Come and See is to awaken and deepen our faith life while encouraging us to share Christ within our families, church family and community beyond. Participants are encouraged to join a weekly prayer group which supports our faith life and efforts to bring Christ to others. Contact Reed Crozier 208-539-4258 OR Mary Vogel 208-320-2392.
Ven y Ver es una “experiencia espiritual” vivida como un retiro de fin de semana de 4 días. El objetivo de Ven y Ver es despertar y profundizar nuestra vida de fe mientras nos anima a compartir a Cristo dentro de nuestras familias, la familia de la iglesia y la comunidad más allá. Se anima a los participantes a unirse a un grupo de oración semanal que apoya nuestra vida de fe y nuestros esfuerzos por llevar a Cristo a los demás. Comuníquese con Reed Crozier al 208-539-4258 O con Mary Vogel al 208-320-2392.

The KCs generously support parish programs and projects, especially those that promote religious vocations. Among the many activities they do, the KCs are noted for the many pancake breakfasts they cook and service projects they coordinate.
Los KC apoyan generosamente los programas y proyectos parroquiales, especialmente aquellos que promueven las vocaciones religiosas. Entre las muchas actividades que realizan, los KC se destacan por los numerosos desayunos de panqueques que cocinan y los proyectos de servicio que coordinan.
Youth Group

The youth group, mostly composed of teens preparing for confirmation, contribut to parish life through prayer, study, and action around the Church campus. Headed by Maria, their enthusiasm and joy adds to our parish family.
El grupo de jóvenes, compuesto en su mayoría por adolescentes que se preparan para la confirmación, contribuye a la vida parroquial a través de la oración, el estudio y la acción en el campus de la Iglesia. Encabezados por María, su entusiasmo y alegría se suman a nuestra familia parroquial.

Visiting the Sick & Elderly
Visitar a los enfermos y a los ancianos
Requesting a Visit - Solicitar una visita
If someone you know is hospitalized or too ill to come to Mass, please let the office know so that they may receive a pastoral visit and possible communion.
Si alguien que conoce está hospitalizado o demasiado enfermo para asistir a Misa, infórmeselo a la oficina para que pueda recibir una visita pastoral y posible comunión.
Mass at Creekside - Misa en Creekside
Mass held every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM