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To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.
-Mother Theresa

Para mantener encendida una lámpara tenemos que seguir poniéndole aceite.
-Madre Teresa

First of all, we just wanted to say thank you to our parishioners for being an active and engaged community of St. Jerome. Our Sundays wouldn’t be the same without you. You’re already such an important part of our church. You donate your time. You give your prayers out freely and sincerely. Your love for God is so clear to everyone around you. Unfortunately, some projects can’t be completed with time and prayers alone. We’re aware that we do not know your financial situation, so if you are strapped for funds at the moment, please feel free to continue giving only what you can. However, if you are in a comfortable position to give a little extra this month, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Your generous tithing helps keep the lights on, the worship music playing, and the children’s library full of books and toys. Along with this letter, you may have noticed we also sent you a stamped and addressed envelope. Please consider using this to send whatever you feel able to give this month. We thank you in advance for your generosity. You and your family are in our prayers.


En primer lugar, solo queríamos agradecer a nuestros feligreses por ser una comunidad activa y comprometida de San Jerónimo. Nuestros domingos no serían lo mismo sin ti. Ya eres una parte muy importante de nuestra iglesia. Donas tu tiempo. Ofreces tus oraciones libre y sinceramente. Tu amor por Dios es muy claro para todos los que te rodean. Desafortunadamente, algunos proyectos no se pueden completar sólo con tiempo y oraciones. Somos conscientes de que no conocemos su situación financiera, por lo que si tiene problemas de fondos en este momento, siéntase libre de continuar donando solo lo que pueda. Sin embargo, si se encuentra en una posición cómoda para donar un poco más este mes, cualquier cantidad será muy apreciada. Su generoso diezmo ayuda a mantener las luces encendidas, la música de adoración sonando y la biblioteca infantil llena de libros y juguetes. Junto con esta carta, habrá notado que también le enviamos un sobre sellado y con la dirección. Considere usar esto para enviar lo que pueda donar este mes. Le agradecemos de antemano su generosidad. Usted y su familia están en nuestras oraciones.

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Ministry Form

This is our Parishioner Registration Form. Please fill out the information below to be added to our envelope mailing list!

Este es nuestro formulario de registro de feligreses. ¡Complete la información a continuación para ser agregado a nuestra lista de correo de sobres!


Would you like to volunteer your skills to our parish? Join our Volunteer List! Choose whichever option suits you!


Altar Lines (wash)
Altar Server
Wedding Coordinator
Lector (Reader)
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Adoration
Sound Minister
Quinceañera Coordinator
Interpreter for Deaf


Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Bible Study
Adult Retreats
Prayer Chain
Youth Retreats

Religious  Ed/ Sacramental Prep

Children's Catechist
Youth Minister Jr. High
Youth Minister HS
Adult Presenter
Chaperone & Driver
Marriage Prep Team
Baptism Prep Team

Service, Other Ministries, Other Interests

Funeral Dinners
Home and Hospital Vistis to the Sick and Elderly
Soup Kitchen
Blood Drive
Food Pantry
Social Concerns
Marian Devotions
Virgen Peregrina

Social Activities

Fair Booth (July/August)
Harvest Fest
Christmas Baskets (December)

Special Gifts, Ministries & Work

Church Cleaner
Bi-lingual Assistance
General Volunteer
Landscaping & Grounds-keeping
Electrical Work


Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Christmas Baskets (December)


Council Of Catholic Women
Knights of Columbus

Thank you!

St. Jerome Catholic Church



St. Jerome Catholic Community Church

216 2nd Ave. East PO Box 169

Jerome, ID 83338

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